A birth (or natal) Astrology chart is like a snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth, it contains everything you need to find your gifts and purpose in various aspects of your life. It serves as a map that connects the larger cosmic and earthly dimensions throughout your lifetime (Micro/Macro).
One way to use Astrology, is as a symbolic language to understand how your personality is shaped, how you store memories, and how you make sense of your life. It delves into your subconscious and how you store memories in order to understand your current circumstances, your values including how you harmonize with your world, your vitality and conscious actions, your thought processes, your organizational tendencies, and your areas of personal growth. It’s a tool that can offer both surface-level insights and deeper, more nuanced understandings of your life.
The type of Astrology we use on this website acknowledges that we all have both skilled and unskilled tendencies and that we can get stuck in certain patterns or paradigms. By studying your birth chart, you can gain valuable insights into these patterns and potentially find ways to Navigate the Stars and evolve in your life journey.
One of my favorite astrological tools is the Cosmic Compass also known as Local Space or Astrophysical Astrology is a technique that brings the Astro chart to your feet, as a geographical map. It will show you your current path, how you are projecting your energy into as well as receiving from the environment. You can use the compass to create a vision board to help you move into the next paradigm.
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